Thursday, March 8, 2007

Walk Activity

This may be really bad, but I did the best I could to imitate Ruth May's innocent personality and her naive personality. I hope it works out.

We're visiting Hawaii for the first time today. I hope there aren't any devils there, because I hate the devils. Father says that Hawaiians are rather religious and that it should be a godly place. In Hawaii, there's going to be 6 white people: Me, Leah, Adah, Rachel, Mama, and Father. I saw some pictures of Hawaiianese people. I think they're called Hawaiianese. Anyway, they look really dark just like the Congolese. I hope there are no naked women walking around. That really upset father because they weren't cherishing the bodies God gave to them. When we got there, we were greeted by white people! We thought they were private escorts just for us, but turns out, this place is nothing like Congo! It's like an anti-racism party where it doesn't matter who you talk to and are seen with. Father and God are going to get Angry for joining the devil's party. We got to a school called *******, and it was pretty fun! I joined this fun class in somewhere called the ****** units, but Father doesn't like dirtying the soul, so I made sure I prayed to God after I played with all the dark children. There were so many computers in the class! I had never seen so many before! On our walk here, we saw so many bad people saying bad things! We say people like Leah and Adah, except they had this weird "slang" talk that is really bad and I'm going to tell Father. They had these Chickens in ******. I think they made the bad children fight with the chicken until their death. Outside were many utensils and rides that kids were on. Some of them looked dangerous. I think they put all the bad kids on the swings so they can fling them away. They had the really bad ones climb this big Banyan tree and see who falls off first.

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