Wednesday, March 28, 2007

MOsquito Coast Movie

We finished watching a movie called Mosquito Coast during class today, and we were supposed to compare that movie and the book we are reading now called Poisonwood Bible. Poisonwood Bible is similar to Mosquito Coast because both families are Caucasian, both families go to a very wild place and are not used to such natural habitats. The fathers in both stories are self centered and think that they can do everything and anything. I believe that both fathers are trying to do good for the Family, but everyone in the family is going somewhat crazy because of such hardships they face in the wild. Both fathers think they're doing the best for the family, but both Fathers are so caught up in the moment that they drive their family down a deep hole. The movie has sons and daughters and are very hard to compare with the 4 daughters in the book. The two story lines are very similar although what they each do to survive is different. Also, they both have another Caucasian family living near them.

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