Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Common Place

During Spring Break, I stayed here in Hawaii, and kicked back and just relaxed. I went surfing alot this spring break and it was definitely fun. The teachers didn't assign me much HW so I was able to use most of spring break relaxing. I really appreciated the little HW because we only have 10 days of spring break which zoomed right by. I had a friend from Japan come over, and we slept over at a friends house and just partied and relaxed the last 2 days of spring break. Surfing was really relaxing and it was fun although someone hit me and one of my skegs on my surfboard. Other than that, Spring break was just really relaxing. My friend from Japan, a school friend and I went surfing and it was super fun with them. I haven't seen him for a while because he had to move back to Japan and he had been studying hard for entrance exams and couldn't make it over to Hawaii in the summer. I was kind of worried that he and I lived in such different environments that we grew up differently and we changed, but he never changed and apparently, neither did I and it was as if he never left. It really seemed like he's been there for life and I guess that's what it feels like to have a best friend. It didn't seem like we haven't seen each other in a long time. I guess once a friend, always a friend. There's nothing that can break that. Alot of things brought back a ton of memories that I didn't even know I had in my brain. He and I and my other friend just cruised together as if we were always hanging out like this. But I semi consciously knew that he's going back in a week or so, so I plan to make the best out of my opportunity. I don't exactly know which essential question this pertains to, but to me, this is really important and it means alot so it's gotta be a part of an essential question. I just haven't realized it yet.

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