Thursday, March 1, 2007

A place I know well

I kind of forgot about this blog post, so I'm getting to it now.

It is rather familiar, a place I go 5 days out of 7 to sit down and talk and play games and eat while I am not attending classes. People come, people stay and then people go. There is just a cycle of people coming and going so that every hour you come by, there will be different people there. Perhaps not all different, but always a different combination of people. But every second you see it, there are always people there; people lingering around just to talk and chat, laugh, play games, argue, etc. For some it is a quick pit stop in between classes to chat with friends and get caught up in this social world within Punahou. For some it is almost like their home. It is a place they can come back to to see loved ones and spend time with them. For everyone, it serves a different purpose. Whether that purpose is to spend time with friends and people you love, a place to eat, a place to get caught up, a place to get HW done, a place to copy HW, whatever purpose it may serve, this place holds importance to all of us whether or not you are conscious of it or not. We all have walked through it, seen it, it affects everyone's lives: "The Crack" (which is referred to the area between Pauahi and Bingham which is merely a "crack" between the buildings, hence the name "The Crack").

I tried to do this as well as I can, tell me if you think it's good or not. and what I'm doing wrong. That'll help my future posts to improve.

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