Thursday, March 1, 2007

Literature 8

Today, we got into our Literature 8 groups for our first time after we've done research or done our jobs for Genesis. Our group just talked a bout the history of Congo that Maika and some information about, although he couldn't find alot because not much about Africa was taken interest in, so there was little information out there. He did find out though, that 1959 was a time of rebellion of Belgium and South Africa. I'm not exactly sure, but all we know was about the rebellion in Africa. We also had Caitlin do the character Analysis, and we talked about the characters at the end. We talked about how Leah, the oldest one is so girly and self-conscious about her hair and how she looks, while her 3 sisters seem to care little about their looks. The twins especially because they look like each other. I also mentioned that the mute twin was somewhat jealous of the other normal twin because she was less gifted than her sister. She said that her sister "cannibalized her" in the womb and that she took all of the nutrition form her to keep for herself. The author, in my opinion, seems to talk alot about the character's personality directly to the readers rather than have us read and find out through actions and context.
Today we spent most of our time going through words we didn't know, and there were many many many words from each of us, and it was tough going through it, and being the lexicographer, I had down a little under 50 words, maybe more since most of the words came from me, and the other 2 seemed more or less to be paying attention to any unknown words. Perhaps they kept reading and found out a vague meaning through context. Anyway, out first day was rather successful.

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