Friday, January 26, 2007

common place

I found an old article I had cut out previously, and in it was stats of all these deaths and injuries that have occured. It said that we Americans do many things to prevent us from being diseased or hurt. For example, we wash our hands, take antibiotics, boil our water, etc, but we over look the biggest thing. We J-walk, we don't fasten our seatbelts, etc. We do all these things to protect ourselves, but in reality, more people die from smoking, car accidents, stuff like that. I thought it'd be good for us to keep this in mind. I thought that was really true. Similar to Singer's paper, it has that hippocrate feeling to it. This article talks about both the big issue, and the converse, ad compares it to what we do all the time that we are never conciously aware of. I wish I had it typed, but it's way too long.

1 comment:

C. Watson said...

Sounds like an interesting article. Can you post excerpts. Or can you search for a link to it on the web. Maybe even taking a digiphoto would work.