Thursday, January 25, 2007

4 Generations

This video was really touching, and kind of inspirational. This video was on the spot, and only true emotions were shown. It was really touching because like The Singer Soultion to World Poverty, this is all about giving. In the paper, all they talked about was giving, and how people give to those who are in need, and how there are people who wouldn't save a child's life because it will affect thier own life.This video really shows the difference between just donating to charity and personally handing them something that means alot to them. The water biffalo in the movie was only 250 dollars, and it can serve them 15 years of work, and 6 months of food. The family's joy could not be explained in words. That right there is the big difference between giving to charity and giving to a needy family. The look of appreciation on their faces makes the whole thing worthwhile. Singer asked "When can you stop?" But I think that video answered the question. After feeling good about donating to the needy family, you will want to donate to another family. It's not a question of when can you stop, but it's more a question of when do you want to stop? You will want to keep donating to families for as much as you reasonably can. It's really hard to explain, but This video really does all the explaining.

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