Sunday, April 8, 2007

Poison wood

In Judges, we got to see a whole new perspective of many of the characters because of various happenings within the chapter. For example, Rachel, who is always the pretty girl and is very conscious about what others think all of a sudden changes due to Tata Ndu. He starts visiting the Price family often and comes with gifts every week, and after a while, Nelson gives them the news of his desire for Rachel as another wife. Rachel then acts really stupid in front of Tata Ndu to attempt to change his mind. Orleanna is also another character you start to see change. She was sick in bet for a month, but after Leah and Rachel fight in the kitchen, she regains authority. She also says whatever she feels like whether or not Nathan is listening. Nathan doesn't change alot, but we find out the man he used to be before the war and how he is obsessed with the bible because the Lord saved his life. Ruth may is sick and is no longer the girl she used to be. As the family moves her into another room, they find all of her malaria pills beside her bed and they find out that she has never taken any of them before. Leah begins to take lessons from Anatole as she helps him out in school, and she receives a bow as a gift. This gift may or may not be a wedding gift just like Rachel's, but I think it's unlikely especially after the night of the ants. Adah doesn't change much, but after the night of the ants I bet she changed. She was betrayed by her own mother, who picked Ruth may over her. Adah was about to get trampled as she was all alone feeling betrayed, but Anatole manages to grab her and save her. The whole night revealed many, if not all of the hidden facts of each character that no one knew about. Perhaps maybe the characters never knew that about them selves either.

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