Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's Egg Hunting season

As you all may or may not know, yesterday was Easter. I am definitely not a big Easter person and I have absolutely no idea whatsoever why we celebrate this day hunting eggs. I don't know scrap about Easter, but it's apparently the day Jesus died and got crucified or something. I really am not sure. My chemistry teacher told us how his daughter went Egg hunting on Easter. Well the interesting part is that she went hunting for golf balls rather than eggs, and the balls could be redeemed for candy. He then raised up the question of "How did Easter go from Jesus' death, to Egg hunting, to golf balls?". I thought that that was pretty funny and an interesting perspective to look at it. My mom has taken me Egg hunting maybe twice when I was around 7 or 8, and I didn't look at it much as anything, nor did I recognize what this day really was and why I got free candy. Everyone knows why we have Christmas and why we celebrate it the way we do. We also know what Thanks giving day is and why it is that we celebrate it by eating turkey and lots of food. But I JUST realized that I didn't really know what Easter was, and why the heck a Bunny/Rabbit hides eggs for kids to find. That's really really odd. Christmas is celebrated by giving presents because Saint Nick used to hand out gifts to everyone in his town at that time of year, giving you the fictional character of Santa Clause, which totally makes sense. I thought I'd put this topic on here because to me, it's interesting, and if anyone knows anything, it'd be cool if you could tell me.

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