Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Paragrpah analysis

"No one breathed. 'White men tell us: Vote, bantu! They tell us: you do not all have to agree, ce n'est pas necessaire! If two men vote yes and one says no, the matter is finished. A bu, even a child can see how that will end. It takes three stones in the fire to hold up the pot. Take one away, leave the other two, and what? The pot will spill into the fire'".

This paragraph is very important. This really speaks up about what the Americans think in Congo and how they're so different from each other. What Tata Ndu says is very true and is wise. If we follow what the white people do and only use 2 stones, the pot cannot balance and will fall, however in the Congo where everyone's vote matters, the pot can stay balanced and can stabilize the country. They will talk it out until it is properly been decided on. This is just like what Nathan thinks. He thinks that as long as he has authority, he can run things his way just as he has done ever since he first came, and make things better for this country. However, in church Jesus was voted out 56-11, majority rules, and Nathan lost in his own game. This is important because this is why Leah lost all respect for Nathan and totally disobeys his orders and does not care whatsoever what he may think or do. Nathan still does not understand that the Congo is different and the game is not his. He doesn't have home court advantage. The Congolese know how to play their game in their own field. Leah obviously understands that and has gotten over what America was like and has learned to live with what is offered here. Nathan on the other hand is totally stubborn and reads the bible and follows its ways literally, still believing that that is the key to success.

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