Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I saw the Internet video we saw in class, and it was pretty cool. Although I didn't fully understand what net neutrality was, all i know is that it's like some equality thing between communicators. I don't really know what I'm saying either. It does feel unreal that they tried to vote Internet to be private only and not open to all the public, but why would they do that? One thing, the teenagers in the country are just going to overrule and overpower the adult congress voters. Because Internet is used by people over 18, therefore allowing us to vote online. Anyway, the last question in the video "What does Internet mean to you?" To me, it means a way of communication, a way to be with friends when you really aren't. We see the Internet as like a thing that's always going to be there. But after seeing this, you really are grateful and I appreciate the Internet a bit more. You can do a million things on the Internet that is extremely useful. You can research without flipping a single page, you can talk to people, chat, Skype it and talk online, myspace, download music, email and leave messages for people, I can keep going, and going, and going. I mean you can shop online now, and even order pizza online. Internet is like a Universe within the computer. The universe is there, but there is no ending. Just like how the computer is one thing, but what you can do with it is unlimited. I thought this was kind of fun to think about.

1 comment:

John said...

They weren't making the internet private, just making it so that internet providers had to be neutral. This means that Time-Warner can't make all of the AOL sites go slow or block them altogether. Tim Berners-Lee says that if you pay for a 56kb connection then that's what you should get, not only when you surf on the sites approved by Time-Warner or whoever.