Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Essential Question

I thought about what my essential question is. Here it is. "What is this world we all live in and what is it coming to?" All of my posts are about racism and our reactions toward certain things that we are unaware of very often. The Essential question for now is set for me, however, life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you're going to get. So, my entries will vary from time to time, but I strongly believe in what I post, and I think I'll continue to post things related to this, and perhaps I'll come across more questions in which I can combine with my current question to get the ultimate essential question. Who knows?


I saw the Internet video we saw in class, and it was pretty cool. Although I didn't fully understand what net neutrality was, all i know is that it's like some equality thing between communicators. I don't really know what I'm saying either. It does feel unreal that they tried to vote Internet to be private only and not open to all the public, but why would they do that? One thing, the teenagers in the country are just going to overrule and overpower the adult congress voters. Because Internet is used by people over 18, therefore allowing us to vote online. Anyway, the last question in the video "What does Internet mean to you?" To me, it means a way of communication, a way to be with friends when you really aren't. We see the Internet as like a thing that's always going to be there. But after seeing this, you really are grateful and I appreciate the Internet a bit more. You can do a million things on the Internet that is extremely useful. You can research without flipping a single page, you can talk to people, chat, Skype it and talk online, myspace, download music, email and leave messages for people, I can keep going, and going, and going. I mean you can shop online now, and even order pizza online. Internet is like a Universe within the computer. The universe is there, but there is no ending. Just like how the computer is one thing, but what you can do with it is unlimited. I thought this was kind of fun to think about.

Monday, February 26, 2007

SAT practice Essay

Hey guys. For anyone reading this, this was a practice SAT test we took, written in 25 minutes without any revision whatsoever. I'm not very confident about this essay. It just feels really unorganized, but what I want to say is in it. I'm not sure if it's worded and organized in the best way possible. Well, tell me what you think.

The media does determine what is important to most people through advertisement. The quote says "The media not only transmit information and culture, they also decide what information is important. In that way, they help to shape cultures and values." In magazines, they show celebrities that people like, and people want to be just like them. The magazine ads are trying to tell us what's hot and what's not. People wear their hair like many celebrities, get cosmetic surgery to make a certain part look like them, etc. So why doesn't the media save money on their ads by using any person they can get off the streets? That's because having a celebrity increases the value on the item alot more. The fact that a celebrity does the ad makes us people want it more because most people want to be as similar to the celebrity as much as possible. They want to be as popular as they can by trying to be like a celebrity. Smoking ads would sometimes use celebrities and show them smoking and being cool. The idea behind it is to give us the sense that "It's cool to smoke because ___ smokes too and look where it's gotten him/her into. It's OK to do it."
The "most people" referred to in this essay is usually all teenagers. Guys often talk freely about hot celebrities having a really nice chest and ass in this magazine or in this movie or in this TV show, etc. This is because the media shows female celebrities with a really hot guy have nice chest and ass. This gives guys the idea that that is the most important thing on a girl rather than the personality stuff. Girls know that guys are crazy for the chest and ass that is considered "good" on a girl. They want guys to like them, but how? They see all the media where only the women with the hot face, big chest and nice ass get all the guys. So the girls think they have to be like them because that is what's most important.
However, this isn't always the case. There is something that the media can't change by trying to determine what's hot and what's not. The media controls most people's minds with what "looks" hot on a girl/guy. However, many people like the personality trait WITHIN the opposite sex too. That can't be changed. Some people don't care whatsoever about the physical appearance on the opposite sex. Sometimes they just care about their kindness, their passion, their inner beauty. Although the media can surely determine the importance of what's hot, they cannot determine which personality is best. That is 100% personal. Personality is unbreakable, and impenetrable to anything. Personality is the tough inner core within us all that speaks so much about us despite what we may look like.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

This I believe

I hope I'm posting the right thing, but here's my This I believe Essay, and tell me what you think.

My name is Sho Hasegawa, I am pretty new to surfing, but I have begun to like it a lot already. I learned on a longboard, and still continue to surf at Diamondhead and Canoes on my longboard. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not good or anything, so don’t assume anything. When I first began surfing, I was nervous, didn’t know what was really going on; the usual “first-time” feeing. But as soon as I caught my first wave on a surfboard, it felt pretty cool. Paddling on my board in Canoes, Waikiki, it was a beautiful, warm summer day. I bet you remember your first day as a surfer. Say you’re not a surfer though. I bet you remember your first day of something big. Trying out something almost completely new to you.
Surfing is great because although it may sound corny and all that, it is pretty peaceful. It helps me to relax and it feels like nothing is there except for me and the waves. The clear, ocean water crashing down on me as I paddle to catch the wave is just cool. Just imagining that relaxes me.
Having fun is the most important part of all. Isn’t it why you surf? So you’re asking me “Why are you telling us all this crap about what surfing is and all this corny stuff?” Well, here’s what. One of 4 things will happen to you when you surf. Number one: you catch the wave. Number two: You miss the wave. Number three: The wave does something unexpected (or you do) and you wipe out during your ride back to shore. Last, but not least, number four: You ride the wave all the way back into shore and have a great experience and adrenalin rush.
OK, so what is this whole thing about what happens when you surf? Well, let me explain. Catching the wave is like taking the opportunity when it comes your way. Missing the wave means you let an opportunity slip by. Wiping out means you didn’t get what you wanted, when taking the opportunity and riding with it. Or you did something wrong during the ride. Riding the wave all the way back means you got the award you seeked when taking the opportunity and did the right things at the right time.

In life, you’re prepared. I know I am. I have the right tools, like the surfboard. I have the proper skills and technique to ride it all the way back to shore. Sometimes, you get too anxious and you just go and force yourself to surf. You go when the surf is small, when the surf isn’t up. You start paddling for waves that are too small when you get anxious, and you can’t catch it and you miss a big wave right after because you got too anxious and couldn’t wait it out. I know I’m like that both out in the water and in life. You get frustrated and can’t do anything about it and you start going downhill. I suggest you paddle back out and wait for the wave of your life.

All this is bound to change, a couple words, how I say things, etc. But the whole layout and everything is goin g to stay the same so tell me what you think. That'd be nice.